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The XDG Base Directory specification is a standard created by freedesktop.org that standardizes the location of storing application files.
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This allows users to have less clutter in their home directories, and allows programmers to not have to hard-code directories.
All operating systems that are supported by .NET (Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD at the time of writing) are supported.
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For all base directory files, the directories are resolved as follows:
<list type="number">
The respective <c>XDG_*</c> enivronment variable
<description>will always be used if specified</description>
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<item>Operating systemd dependent fallback:</item>
Use <see href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/known-folders">Known Folders</see>.
Follow the <see href="https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/FileSystemOverview/FileSystemOverview.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010672-CH2-SW1">Apple documentation</see> on application-specific files.
Follow the <see href="https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html">XDG Base Directory</see> specification.
Base directory for data files.
A single base directory relative to which user-specifc <strong>data</strong> files should be written.
If <c>XDG_DATA_HOME</c> is set, the directory specified.
<list type="table">
<c>$HOME/Library/Application Support</c>
Base directory for configuration files.
A single base directory relative to which user-specifc <strong>configuration</strong> files should be written.
If <c>XDG_CONFIG_HOME</c> is set, the directory specified.
<list type = "table" >
<c>$HOME/Library/Application Support</c>
Base directory for state data.
A single base directory relative to which user-specifc <strong>state data</strong> should be written.
If <c>XDG_STATE_HOME</c> is set, the directory specified.
<list type = "table" >
<c>$HOME/Library/Application Support</c>
Base directory for executable files.
A single base directory relative to which user-specifc <strong>executable</strong> files should be written.
If <c>XDG_BIN_HOME</c> is set, the directory specified.
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Windows does not support this by default.
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macOS does not support this by default.
NOTE: This is not an XDG standard but a <em>de facto</em> standard.
A list of directories to search for data files.
A set of preference-ordered base directories to which data files should be searched.
If <c>XDG_DATA_DIRS</c> is set, a list of the directories specified.
<list type="table">
<c>/Library/Application Support</c>
A list of directories to look for configuration files.
A set of preference-ordered base directories to which configuration files should be searched.
If <c>XDG_CONFIG_DIRS</c> is set, a list of the directories specified.
<list type="table">
<c>/Library/Application Support</c>,
This is typically not used, for most use cases <see cref="ConfigHome">ConfigHome</see> should be used instead.
Base directory for non-essential data.
A single base directory relative to which user-specifc <strong>non-essential</strong> data should be written.
If <c>XDG_CACHE_HOME</c> is set, the directory specified.
<list type = "table" >
Base directory for runtime-specific files.
A single base directory relative to which user-specifc <strong>runtime files</strong> should be written.
If <c>XDG_RUNTIME_DIR</c> is set, the directory specified.
<list type = "table" >
<c>$HOME/Library/Application Support</c>