Sam Therapy cfa59ce479
Migrate to yarn v2
Signed-off-by: Sam Therapy <sam@samtherapy.net>
2022-05-11 20:37:55 +02:00

1012 lines
34 KiB

* Infinite Scroll PACKAGED v4.0.1
* Automatically add next page
* Licensed GPLv3 for open source use
* or Infinite Scroll Commercial License for commercial use
* https://infinite-scroll.com
* Copyright 2018-2020 Metafizzy
!(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("jquery")))
: (t.jQueryBridget = e(t, t.jQuery));
})(window, function (t, e) {
let i = t.console,
n =
void 0 === i
? function () {}
: function (t) {
return function (i, o, s) {
(s = s || e || t.jQuery) &&
(o.prototype.option ||
(o.prototype.option = function (t) {
t && (this.options = Object.assign(this.options || {}, t));
(s.fn[i] = function (t, ...e) {
return "string" == typeof t
? (function (t, e, o) {
let r,
l = `$().${i}("${e}")`;
return (
t.each(function (t, h) {
let a = s.data(h, i);
if (!a)
return void n(
`${i} not initialized. Cannot call method ${l}`
let c = a[e];
if (!c || "_" == e.charAt(0))
return void n(`${l} is not a valid method`);
let u = c.apply(a, o);
r = void 0 === r ? u : r;
void 0 !== r ? r : t
})(this, t, e)
: ((r = t),
this.each(function (t, e) {
let n = s.data(e, i);
? (n.option(r), n._init())
: ((n = new o(e, r)), s.data(e, i, n));
var r;
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e())
: (t.EvEmitter = e());
})("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function () {
function t() {}
let e = t.prototype;
return (
(e.on = function (t, e) {
if (!t || !e) return this;
let i = (this._events = this._events || {}),
n = (i[t] = i[t] || []);
return n.includes(e) || n.push(e), this;
(e.once = function (t, e) {
if (!t || !e) return this;
this.on(t, e);
let i = (this._onceEvents = this._onceEvents || {});
return ((i[t] = i[t] || {})[e] = !0), this;
(e.off = function (t, e) {
let i = this._events && this._events[t];
if (!i || !i.length) return this;
let n = i.indexOf(e);
return -1 != n && i.splice(n, 1), this;
(e.emitEvent = function (t, e) {
let i = this._events && this._events[t];
if (!i || !i.length) return this;
(i = i.slice(0)), (e = e || []);
let n = this._onceEvents && this._onceEvents[t];
for (let o of i) {
n && n[o] && (this.off(t, o), delete n[o]), o.apply(this, e);
return this;
(e.allOff = function () {
return delete this._events, delete this._onceEvents, this;
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t))
: (t.fizzyUIUtils = e(t));
})(this, function (t) {
let e = {
extend: function (t, e) {
return Object.assign(t, e);
modulo: function (t, e) {
return ((t % e) + e) % e;
makeArray: function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) return t;
if (null == t) return [];
return "object" == typeof t && "number" == typeof t.length
? [...t]
: [t];
removeFrom: function (t, e) {
let i = t.indexOf(e);
-1 != i && t.splice(i, 1);
getParent: function (t, e) {
for (; t.parentNode && t != document.body; )
if ((t = t.parentNode).matches(e)) return t;
getQueryElement: function (t) {
return "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t;
handleEvent: function (t) {
let e = "on" + t.type;
this[e] && this[e](t);
filterFindElements: function (t, i) {
return (t = e.makeArray(t))
.filter((t) => t instanceof HTMLElement)
.reduce((t, e) => {
if (!i) return t.push(e), t;
e.matches(i) && t.push(e);
let n = e.querySelectorAll(i);
return (t = t.concat(...n));
}, []);
debounceMethod: function (t, e, i) {
i = i || 100;
let n = t.prototype[e],
o = e + "Timeout";
t.prototype[e] = function () {
let t = arguments;
this[o] = setTimeout(() => {
n.apply(this, t), delete this[o];
}, i);
docReady: function (t) {
let e = document.readyState;
"complete" == e || "interactive" == e
? setTimeout(t)
: document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t);
toDashed: function (t) {
return t
.replace(/(.)([A-Z])/g, function (t, e, i) {
return e + "-" + i;
i = t.console;
return (
(e.htmlInit = function (n, o) {
e.docReady(function () {
let s = "data-" + e.toDashed(o),
r = document.querySelectorAll(`[${s}]`),
l = t.jQuery;
[...r].forEach((t) => {
let e,
r = t.getAttribute(s);
try {
e = r && JSON.parse(r);
} catch (e) {
return void (
i && i.error(`Error parsing ${s} on ${t.className}: ${e}`)
let h = new n(t, e);
l && l.data(t, o, h);
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(
: (t.InfiniteScroll = e(t, t.EvEmitter, t.fizzyUIUtils));
})(window, function (t, e, i) {
let n = t.jQuery,
o = {};
function s(t, e) {
let r = i.getQueryElement(t);
if (r) {
if ((t = r).infiniteScrollGUID) {
let i = o[t.infiniteScrollGUID];
return i.option(e), i;
(this.element = t),
(this.options = { ...s.defaults }),
n && (this.$element = n(this.element)),
} else console.error("Bad element for InfiniteScroll: " + (r || t));
(s.defaults = {}), (s.create = {}), (s.destroy = {});
let r = s.prototype;
Object.assign(r, e.prototype);
let l = 0;
(r.create = function () {
let t = (this.guid = ++l);
if (
((this.element.infiniteScrollGUID = t),
(o[t] = this),
(this.pageIndex = 1),
(this.loadCount = 0),
this.getPath && this.getPath())
) {
this.log("initialized", [this.element.className]),
for (let t in s.create) s.create[t].call(this);
} else console.error("Disabling InfiniteScroll");
(r.option = function (t) {
Object.assign(this.options, t);
(r.callOnInit = function () {
let t = this.options.onInit;
t && t.call(this, this);
(r.dispatchEvent = function (t, e, i) {
this.log(t, i);
let o = e ? [e].concat(i) : i;
if ((this.emitEvent(t, o), !n || !this.$element)) return;
let s = (t += ".infiniteScroll");
if (e) {
let i = n.Event(e);
(i.type = t), (s = i);
this.$element.trigger(s, i);
let h = {
initialized: (t) => `on ${t}`,
request: (t) => `URL: ${t}`,
load: (t, e) => `${t.title || ""}. URL: ${e}`,
error: (t, e) => `${t}. URL: ${e}`,
append: (t, e, i) => `${i.length} items. URL: ${e}`,
last: (t, e) => `URL: ${e}`,
history: (t, e) => `URL: ${e}`,
pageIndex: function (t, e) {
return `current page determined to be: ${t} from ${e}`;
(r.log = function (t, e) {
if (!this.options.debug) return;
let i = `[InfiniteScroll] ${t}`,
n = h[t];
n && (i += ". " + n.apply(this, e)), console.log(i);
(r.updateMeasurements = function () {
this.windowHeight = t.innerHeight;
let e = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
this.top = e.top + t.scrollY;
(r.updateScroller = function () {
let e = this.options.elementScroll;
if (e) {
if (
((this.scroller = !0 === e ? this.element : i.getQueryElement(e)),
throw new Error(`Unable to find elementScroll: ${e}`);
} else this.scroller = t;
(r.updateGetPath = function () {
let t = this.options.path;
if (!t)
return void console.error(
`InfiniteScroll path option required. Set as: ${t}`
let e = typeof t;
"function" != e
? "string" == e && t.match("{{#}}")
? this.updateGetPathTemplate(t)
: this.updateGetPathSelector(t)
: (this.getPath = t);
(r.updateGetPathTemplate = function (t) {
this.getPath = () => {
let e = this.pageIndex + 1;
return t.replace("{{#}}", e);
let e = t.replace(/(\\\?|\?)/, "\\?").replace("{{#}}", "(\\d\\d?\\d?)"),
i = new RegExp(e),
n = location.href.match(i);
n &&
((this.pageIndex = parseInt(n[1], 10)),
this.log("pageIndex", [this.pageIndex, "template string"]));
let a = [
c = (s.getPathParts = function (t) {
if (t)
for (let e of a) {
let i = t.match(e);
if (i) {
let [, t, e, n] = i;
return { begin: t, index: e, end: n };
(r.updateGetPathSelector = function (t) {
let e = document.querySelector(t);
if (!e)
return void console.error(
`Bad InfiniteScroll path option. Next link not found: ${t}`
let i = e.getAttribute("href"),
n = c(i);
if (!n)
return void console.error(
`InfiniteScroll unable to parse next link href: ${i}`
let { begin: o, index: s, end: r } = n;
(this.isPathSelector = !0),
(this.getPath = () => o + (this.pageIndex + 1) + r),
(this.pageIndex = parseInt(s, 10) - 1),
this.log("pageIndex", [this.pageIndex, "next link"]);
(r.updateGetAbsolutePath = function () {
let t = this.getPath();
if (t.match(/^http/) || t.match(/^\//))
return void (this.getAbsolutePath = this.getPath);
let { pathname: e } = location,
i = t.match(/^\?/),
n = e.substring(0, e.lastIndexOf("/")),
o = i ? e : n + "/";
this.getAbsolutePath = () => o + this.getPath();
(s.create.hideNav = function () {
let t = i.getQueryElement(this.options.hideNav);
t && ((t.style.display = "none"), (this.nav = t));
(s.destroy.hideNav = function () {
this.nav && (this.nav.style.display = "");
(r.destroy = function () {
for (let t in s.destroy) s.destroy[t].call(this);
delete this.element.infiniteScrollGUID,
delete o[this.guid],
n && this.$element && n.removeData(this.element, "infiniteScroll");
(s.throttle = function (t, e) {
let i, n;
return (
(e = e || 200),
function () {
let o = +new Date(),
s = arguments,
r = () => {
(i = o), t.apply(this, s);
i && o < i + e ? (clearTimeout(n), (n = setTimeout(r, e))) : r();
(s.data = function (t) {
let e = (t = i.getQueryElement(t)) && t.infiniteScrollGUID;
return e && o[e];
(s.setJQuery = function (t) {
n = t;
i.htmlInit(s, "infinite-scroll"),
(r._init = function () {});
let { jQueryBridget: u } = t;
return n && u && u("infiniteScroll", s, n), s;
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("./core")))
: e(t, t.InfiniteScroll);
})(window, function (t, e) {
let i = e.prototype;
Object.assign(e.defaults, {
loadOnScroll: !0,
checkLastPage: !0,
responseBody: "text",
domParseResponse: !0,
(e.create.pageLoad = function () {
(this.canLoad = !0),
this.on("scrollThreshold", this.onScrollThresholdLoad),
this.on("load", this.checkLastPage),
this.options.outlayer && this.on("append", this.onAppendOutlayer);
(i.onScrollThresholdLoad = function () {
this.options.loadOnScroll && this.loadNextPage();
let n = new DOMParser();
function o(t) {
let e = document.createDocumentFragment();
return t && e.append(...t), e;
return (
(i.loadNextPage = function () {
if (this.isLoading || !this.canLoad) return;
let {
responseBody: t,
domParseResponse: e,
fetchOptions: i,
} = this.options,
o = this.getAbsolutePath();
(this.isLoading = !0), "function" == typeof i && (i = i());
let s = fetch(o, i)
.then((i) => {
if (!i.ok) {
let t = new Error(i.statusText);
return this.onPageError(t, o, i), { response: i };
return i[t]().then(
(s) => (
"text" == t && e && (s = n.parseFromString(s, "text/html")),
204 == i.status
? (this.lastPageReached(s, o), { body: s, response: i })
: this.onPageLoad(s, o, i)
.catch((t) => {
this.onPageError(t, o);
return this.dispatchEvent("request", null, [o, s]), s;
(i.onPageLoad = function (t, e, i) {
return (
this.options.append || (this.isLoading = !1),
this.dispatchEvent("load", null, [t, e, i]),
this.appendNextPage(t, e, i)
(i.appendNextPage = function (t, e, i) {
let { append: n, responseBody: s, domParseResponse: r } = this.options;
if (!("text" == s && r) || !n) return { body: t, response: i };
let l = t.querySelectorAll(n),
h = { body: t, response: i, items: l };
if (!l || !l.length) return this.lastPageReached(t, e), h;
let a = o(l),
c = () => (
this.appendItems(l, a),
(this.isLoading = !1),
this.dispatchEvent("append", null, [t, e, l, i]),
return this.options.outlayer ? this.appendOutlayerItems(a, c) : c();
(i.appendItems = function (t, e) {
t &&
t.length &&
((function (t) {
let e = t.querySelectorAll("script");
for (let t of e) {
let e = document.createElement("script"),
i = t.attributes;
for (let t of i) e.setAttribute(t.name, t.value);
(e.innerHTML = t.innerHTML), t.parentNode.replaceChild(e, t);
})((e = e || o(t))),
(i.appendOutlayerItems = function (i, n) {
let o = e.imagesLoaded || t.imagesLoaded;
return o
? new Promise(function (t) {
o(i, function () {
let e = n();
: (console.error(
"[InfiniteScroll] imagesLoaded required for outlayer option"
void (this.isLoading = !1));
(i.onAppendOutlayer = function (t, e, i) {
(i.checkLastPage = function (t, e) {
let i,
{ checkLastPage: n, path: o } = this.options;
if (n) {
if ("function" == typeof o) {
if (!this.getPath()) return void this.lastPageReached(t, e);
"string" == typeof n ? (i = n) : this.isPathSelector && (i = o),
i &&
t.querySelector &&
(t.querySelector(i) || this.lastPageReached(t, e));
(i.lastPageReached = function (t, e) {
(this.canLoad = !1), this.dispatchEvent("last", null, [t, e]);
(i.onPageError = function (t, e, i) {
return (
(this.isLoading = !1),
(this.canLoad = !1),
this.dispatchEvent("error", null, [t, e, i]),
(e.create.prefill = function () {
if (!this.options.prefill) return;
let t = this.options.append;
? (this.updateMeasurements(),
(this.isPrefilling = !0),
this.on("append", this.prefill),
this.once("error", this.stopPrefill),
this.once("last", this.stopPrefill),
: console.error(`append option required for prefill. Set as :${t}`);
(i.prefill = function () {
let t = this.getPrefillDistance();
(this.isPrefilling = t >= 0),
? (this.log("prefill"), this.loadNextPage())
: this.stopPrefill();
(i.getPrefillDistance = function () {
return this.options.elementScroll
? this.scroller.clientHeight - this.scroller.scrollHeight
: this.windowHeight - this.element.clientHeight;
(i.stopPrefill = function () {
this.log("stopPrefill"), this.off("append", this.prefill);
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("./core"), require("fizzy-ui-utils")))
: e(t, t.InfiniteScroll, t.fizzyUIUtils);
})(window, function (t, e, i) {
let n = e.prototype;
return (
Object.assign(e.defaults, { scrollThreshold: 400 }),
(e.create.scrollWatch = function () {
(this.pageScrollHandler = this.onPageScroll.bind(this)),
(this.resizeHandler = this.onResize.bind(this));
let t = this.options.scrollThreshold;
(t || 0 === t) && this.enableScrollWatch();
(e.destroy.scrollWatch = function () {
(n.enableScrollWatch = function () {
this.isScrollWatching ||
((this.isScrollWatching = !0),
this.on("last", this.disableScrollWatch),
(n.disableScrollWatch = function () {
this.isScrollWatching &&
(this.bindScrollWatchEvents(!1), delete this.isScrollWatching);
(n.bindScrollWatchEvents = function (e) {
let i = e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";
this.scroller[i]("scroll", this.pageScrollHandler),
t[i]("resize", this.resizeHandler);
(n.onPageScroll = e.throttle(function () {
this.getBottomDistance() <= this.options.scrollThreshold &&
(n.getBottomDistance = function () {
let e, i;
return (
? ((e = this.scroller.scrollHeight),
(i = this.scroller.scrollTop + this.scroller.clientHeight))
: ((e = this.top + this.element.clientHeight),
(i = t.scrollY + this.windowHeight)),
e - i
(n.onResize = function () {
i.debounceMethod(e, "onResize", 150),
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("./core"), require("fizzy-ui-utils")))
: e(t, t.InfiniteScroll, t.fizzyUIUtils);
})(window, function (t, e, i) {
let n = e.prototype;
Object.assign(e.defaults, { history: "replace" });
let o = document.createElement("a");
return (
(e.create.history = function () {
if (!this.options.history) return;
(o.href = this.getAbsolutePath()),
(o.origin || o.protocol + "//" + o.host) == location.origin
? this.options.append
? this.createHistoryAppend()
: this.createHistoryPageLoad()
: console.error(
`[InfiniteScroll] cannot set history with different origin: ${o.origin} on ${location.origin} . History behavior disabled.`
(n.createHistoryAppend = function () {
(this.scrollPages = [
{ top: 0, path: location.href, title: document.title },
(this.scrollPage = this.scrollPages[0]),
(this.scrollHistoryHandler = this.onScrollHistory.bind(this)),
(this.unloadHandler = this.onUnload.bind(this)),
this.scroller.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrollHistoryHandler),
this.on("append", this.onAppendHistory),
(n.bindHistoryAppendEvents = function (e) {
let i = e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";
this.scroller[i]("scroll", this.scrollHistoryHandler),
t[i]("unload", this.unloadHandler);
(n.createHistoryPageLoad = function () {
this.on("load", this.onPageLoadHistory);
(e.destroy.history = n.destroyHistory =
function () {
this.options.history &&
this.options.append &&
(n.onAppendHistory = function (t, e, i) {
if (!i || !i.length) return;
let n = i[0],
s = this.getElementScrollY(n);
(o.href = e),
this.scrollPages.push({ top: s, path: o.href, title: t.title });
(n.getElementScrollY = function (e) {
if (this.options.elementScroll) return e.offsetTop - this.top;
return e.getBoundingClientRect().top + t.scrollY;
(n.onScrollHistory = function () {
let t = this.getClosestScrollPage();
t != this.scrollPage &&
((this.scrollPage = t), this.setHistory(t.title, t.path));
i.debounceMethod(e, "onScrollHistory", 150),
(n.getClosestScrollPage = function () {
let e, i;
e = this.options.elementScroll
? this.scroller.scrollTop + this.scroller.clientHeight / 2
: t.scrollY + this.windowHeight / 2;
for (let t of this.scrollPages) {
if (t.top >= e) break;
i = t;
return i;
(n.setHistory = function (t, e) {
let i = this.options.history;
i &&
history[i + "State"] &&
(history[i + "State"](null, t, e),
this.options.historyTitle && (document.title = t),
this.dispatchEvent("history", null, [t, e]));
(n.onUnload = function () {
if (0 === this.scrollPage.top) return;
let e = t.scrollY - this.scrollPage.top + this.top;
this.destroyHistory(), scrollTo(0, e);
(n.onPageLoadHistory = function (t, e) {
this.setHistory(t.title, e);
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("./core"), require("fizzy-ui-utils")))
: e(t, t.InfiniteScroll, t.fizzyUIUtils);
})(window, function (t, e, i) {
class n {
constructor(t, e) {
(this.element = t),
(this.infScroll = e),
(this.clickHandler = this.onClick.bind(this)),
this.element.addEventListener("click", this.clickHandler),
e.on("request", this.disable.bind(this)),
e.on("load", this.enable.bind(this)),
e.on("error", this.hide.bind(this)),
e.on("last", this.hide.bind(this));
onClick(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this.infScroll.loadNextPage();
enable() {
disable() {
this.element.disabled = "disabled";
hide() {
this.element.style.display = "none";
destroy() {
this.element.removeEventListener("click", this.clickHandler);
return (
(e.create.button = function () {
let t = i.getQueryElement(this.options.button);
t && (this.button = new n(t, this));
(e.destroy.button = function () {
this.button && this.button.destroy();
(e.Button = n),
(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("./core"), require("fizzy-ui-utils")))
: e(t, t.InfiniteScroll, t.fizzyUIUtils);
})(window, function (t, e, i) {
let n = e.prototype;
function o(t) {
r(t, "none");
function s(t) {
r(t, "block");
function r(t, e) {
t && (t.style.display = e);
return (
(e.create.status = function () {
let t = i.getQueryElement(this.options.status);
t &&
((this.statusElement = t),
(this.statusEventElements = {
request: t.querySelector(".infinite-scroll-request"),
error: t.querySelector(".infinite-scroll-error"),
last: t.querySelector(".infinite-scroll-last"),
this.on("request", this.showRequestStatus),
this.on("error", this.showErrorStatus),
this.on("last", this.showLastStatus),
(n.bindHideStatus = function (t) {
let e = this.options.append ? "append" : "load";
this[t](e, this.hideAllStatus);
(n.showRequestStatus = function () {
(n.showErrorStatus = function () {
(n.showLastStatus = function () {
this.showStatus("last"), this.bindHideStatus("off");
(n.showStatus = function (t) {
(n.hideAllStatus = function () {
o(this.statusElement), this.hideStatusEventElements();
(n.hideStatusEventElements = function () {
for (let t in this.statusEventElements) {
* imagesLoaded v4.1.4
* JavaScript is all like "You images are done yet or what?"
* MIT License
(function (t, e) {
"use strict";
"function" == typeof define && define.amd
? define(["ev-emitter/ev-emitter"], function (i) {
return e(t, i);
: "object" == typeof module && module.exports
? (module.exports = e(t, require("ev-emitter")))
: (t.imagesLoaded = e(t, t.EvEmitter));
})("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function (t, e) {
"use strict";
var i = t.jQuery,
n = t.console;
function o(t, e) {
for (var i in e) t[i] = e[i];
return t;
var s = Array.prototype.slice;
function r(t, e, l) {
if (!(this instanceof r)) return new r(t, e, l);
var h,
a = t;
("string" == typeof t && (a = document.querySelectorAll(t)), a)
? ((this.elements =
((h = a),
? h
: "object" == typeof h && "number" == typeof h.length
? s.call(h)
: [h])),
(this.options = o({}, this.options)),
"function" == typeof e ? (l = e) : o(this.options, e),
l && this.on("always", l),
i && (this.jqDeferred = new i.Deferred()),
: n.error("Bad element for imagesLoaded " + (a || t));
(r.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)),
(r.prototype.options = {}),
(r.prototype.getImages = function () {
(this.images = []), this.elements.forEach(this.addElementImages, this);
(r.prototype.addElementImages = function (t) {
"IMG" == t.nodeName && this.addImage(t),
!0 === this.options.background && this.addElementBackgroundImages(t);
var e = t.nodeType;
if (e && l[e]) {
for (var i = t.querySelectorAll("img"), n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if ("string" == typeof this.options.background) {
var s = t.querySelectorAll(this.options.background);
for (n = 0; n < s.length; n++) {
var r = s[n];
var l = { 1: !0, 9: !0, 11: !0 };
function h(t) {
this.img = t;
function a(t, e) {
(this.url = t), (this.element = e), (this.img = new Image());
return (
(r.prototype.addElementBackgroundImages = function (t) {
var e = getComputedStyle(t);
if (e)
for (
var i = /url\((['"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, n = i.exec(e.backgroundImage);
null !== n;
) {
var o = n && n[2];
o && this.addBackground(o, t), (n = i.exec(e.backgroundImage));
(r.prototype.addImage = function (t) {
var e = new h(t);
(r.prototype.addBackground = function (t, e) {
var i = new a(t, e);
(r.prototype.check = function () {
var t = this;
function e(e, i, n) {
setTimeout(function () {
t.progress(e, i, n);
(this.progressedCount = 0),
(this.hasAnyBroken = !1),
? this.images.forEach(function (t) {
t.once("progress", e), t.check();
: this.complete();
(r.prototype.progress = function (t, e, i) {
(this.hasAnyBroken = this.hasAnyBroken || !t.isLoaded),
this.emitEvent("progress", [this, t, e]),
this.jqDeferred &&
this.jqDeferred.notify &&
this.jqDeferred.notify(this, t),
this.progressedCount == this.images.length && this.complete(),
this.options.debug && n && n.log("progress: " + i, t, e);
(r.prototype.complete = function () {
var t = this.hasAnyBroken ? "fail" : "done";
if (
((this.isComplete = !0),
this.emitEvent(t, [this]),
this.emitEvent("always", [this]),
) {
var e = this.hasAnyBroken ? "reject" : "resolve";
(h.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)),
(h.prototype.check = function () {
? this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth")
: ((this.proxyImage = new Image()),
this.proxyImage.addEventListener("load", this),
this.proxyImage.addEventListener("error", this),
this.img.addEventListener("load", this),
this.img.addEventListener("error", this),
(this.proxyImage.src = this.img.src));
(h.prototype.getIsImageComplete = function () {
return this.img.complete && this.img.naturalWidth;
(h.prototype.confirm = function (t, e) {
(this.isLoaded = t), this.emitEvent("progress", [this, this.img, e]);
(h.prototype.handleEvent = function (t) {
var e = "on" + t.type;
this[e] && this[e](t);
(h.prototype.onload = function () {
this.confirm(!0, "onload"), this.unbindEvents();
(h.prototype.onerror = function () {
this.confirm(!1, "onerror"), this.unbindEvents();
(h.prototype.unbindEvents = function () {
this.proxyImage.removeEventListener("load", this),
this.proxyImage.removeEventListener("error", this),
this.img.removeEventListener("load", this),
this.img.removeEventListener("error", this);
(a.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)),
(a.prototype.check = function () {
this.img.addEventListener("load", this),
this.img.addEventListener("error", this),
(this.img.src = this.url),
this.getIsImageComplete() &&
(this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth"),
(a.prototype.unbindEvents = function () {
this.img.removeEventListener("load", this),
this.img.removeEventListener("error", this);
(a.prototype.confirm = function (t, e) {
(this.isLoaded = t),
this.emitEvent("progress", [this, this.element, e]);
(r.makeJQueryPlugin = function (e) {
(e = e || t.jQuery) &&
((i = e).fn.imagesLoaded = function (t, e) {
return new r(this, t, e).jqDeferred.promise(i(this));