grumbulon 98a14b1bf8 Merge logawl package into master (#10)
This PR is to bring in the new logging package for awl, I wanted to do some refinements before I opened this to upstream

logawl works in the following ways

1. It prints logs directly to std.err
1. The default log level is Info (this can be changed multiple ways)
1. It supports four log levels Error, Fatal, Info, Debug
1. It differs from the syslog package in the stdlib wherin it default to std.err you do not _need_ to define an out file (syslog for example)
1. I added a "debug" flag so now we can go through and define verbose logging through the app
5.5 I made it so we can call `Logger.debug("message")` anywhere in the query file but unless the debug flag is set to true it will not print a message (it is working as intended finally).

Co-authored-by: grumbulon <>
Reviewed-on: sam/awl#10
Co-authored-by: grumbulon <>
Co-committed-by: grumbulon <>
2022-06-29 22:57:03 +00:00

185 lines
4 KiB

package main
import (
func doQuery(c *cli.Context) error {
var (
err error
resp util.Response
isHTTPS bool
Logger = logawl.New() //init logger
resp.Answers, err = parseArgs(c.Args().Slice())
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Unable to parse args")
return err
port := c.Int("port")
if c.Bool("debug") {
Logger.Debug("Starting awl")
// If port is not set, set it
if port == 0 {
if c.Bool("tls") || c.Bool("quic") {
port = 853
} else {
port = 53
if c.Bool("https") || strings.HasPrefix(resp.Answers.Server, "https://") {
// add https:// if it doesn't already exist
if !strings.HasPrefix(resp.Answers.Server, "https://") {
resp.Answers.Server = "https://" + resp.Answers.Server
isHTTPS = true
} else {
resp.Answers.Server = net.JoinHostPort(resp.Answers.Server, strconv.Itoa(port))
// Process the IP/Phone number so a PTR/NAPTR can be done
if c.Bool("reverse") {
if dns.TypeToString[resp.Answers.Request] == "A" {
resp.Answers.Request = dns.StringToType["PTR"]
resp.Answers.Name, err = util.ReverseDNS(resp.Answers.Name, dns.TypeToString[resp.Answers.Request])
if err != nil {
return err
// if the domain is not canonical, make it canonical
if !strings.HasSuffix(resp.Answers.Name, ".") {
resp.Answers.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s.", resp.Answers.Name)
msg := new(dns.Msg)
msg.SetQuestion(resp.Answers.Name, resp.Answers.Request)
// Make this authoritative (does this do anything?)
if c.Bool("aa") {
msg.Authoritative = true
// Set truncated flag (why)
if c.Bool("tc") {
msg.Truncated = true
// Set the zero flag if requested (does nothing)
if c.Bool("z") {
Logger.Debug("Setting message to zero")
msg.Zero = true
// Disable DNSSEC validation
if c.Bool("cd") {
msg.CheckingDisabled = true
// Disable wanting recursion
if c.Bool("no-rd") {
msg.RecursionDesired = false
// Disable recursion being available (I don't think this does anything)
if c.Bool("no-ra") {
msg.RecursionAvailable = false
// Set DNSSEC if requested
if c.Bool("dnssec") {
Logger.Debug("Using DNSSEC")
msg.SetEdns0(1232, true)
var in *dns.Msg
// Make the DNS request
if isHTTPS {
in, resp.Answers.RTT, err = query.ResolveHTTPS(msg, resp.Answers.Server)
} else if c.Bool("quic") {
in, resp.Answers.RTT, err = query.ResolveQUIC(msg, resp.Answers.Server)
} else {
d := new(dns.Client)
// Set TCP/UDP, depending on flags
if c.Bool("tcp") || c.Bool("tls") {
d.Net = "tcp"
} else {
d.Net = "udp"
// Set IPv4 or IPv6, depending on flags
switch {
case c.Bool("4"):
d.Net += "4"
case c.Bool("6"):
d.Net += "6"
// Add TLS, if requested
if c.Bool("tls") {
d.Net += "-tls"
in, resp.Answers.RTT, err = d.Exchange(msg, resp.Answers.Server)
if err != nil {
return err
// If UDP truncates, use TCP instead (unless truncation is to be ignored)
if in.MsgHdr.Truncated && !c.Bool("no-truncate") {
fmt.Printf(";; Truncated, retrying with TCP\n\n")
d.Net = "tcp"
switch {
case c.Bool("4"):
d.Net += "4"
case c.Bool("6"):
d.Net += "6"
in, resp.Answers.RTT, err = d.Exchange(msg, resp.Answers.Server)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Bool("json") {
json, err := json.MarshalIndent(in, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if !c.Bool("short") {
// Print everything
fmt.Println(";; Query time:", resp.Answers.RTT)
fmt.Println(";; SERVER:", resp.Answers.Server)
fmt.Println(";; WHEN:", time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123Z))
fmt.Println(";; MSG SIZE rcvd:", in.Len())
} else {
// Print just the responses, nothing else
for _, res := range in.Answer {
temp := strings.Split(res.String(), "\t")
return nil